Firms in Four-Day Week Trial Considering Making the Change Permanent

By Gary Smith


The four-day week trial appears to be turning a corner with a number of participating businesses now considering implementing it on a permanent basis. Previously we have reported that the majority of businesses were not in favour of retaining the new working pattern after the trial. This appears to be changing now that we are at the halfway point in the six-month trial and data is showing that productivity in some of the businesses has been maintained or improved.

Of the 73 companies in the trial, 41 firms responded to a survey at 86% of those surveyed said that they would likely keep the four-day week after the trial ends. 95% said that productivity had stayed the same or improved during the shorter week.

It will be interesting to see how this trial plays out as the attitudes of the businesses involved has already started to shift in favour of the change and whether the positive view and in particular the productivity improvements can be sustained longer term.

If you have any queries relating to the four-day week trial or would like to consider this for your business please contact our Employment Team on 0345 646 0406 or fill in our online enquiry form to discuss how we might be able to help.