Can You Have a Good Divorce?

By Jenna Brewer

Senior Associate

Traditionally divorce is often seen as a conflict between parties, but does this have to be the case?  The crisis in respect of the ever-growing backlog at the family court means that the waiting times for financial matters to be considered through this route are increasing and likely to get worse with the climbing numbers of divorce applications.

Though communication can be difficult, emotive language, blaming or being defensive can make matters worse by setting parties up in adversarial positions which can become entrenched.  Before pressing send reread that email/text/social media post.

Sensitive issues can cause tensions to escalate, matters can be important to both parties, or can cause upset if an issue important to one is disregarded by the other. Think what issues might be flash points and what is going to be sensitive to you or the other party.

Just because you can, should you?  Causing tension by deliberately provoking the other or even accidently can increase conflict.  Are there steps you can take to defuse hostilities?

Delay can mean that parties are left in a difficult position without being able to move forward.  This can have a detrimental effect on the children, the family finances and cause even more strain between the parties.  Both of you have to be able to manage until matters are resolved.

Can you have a good divorce?  This does depend on the parties, their understanding of the process and the circumstances.  Both parties have to be willing to co-operate and work together to reach a solution.  The perpetuating view that divorce is always a conflict is changing, but if parties do not know what the possibilities are, it can them open to becoming entrenched and feeling that a court hearing is the only way.  With the current economic situation, delays at the court, then early legal advice can help navigate the options.

For more information on family matters or to find out how we can help you, please contact our Family Team on 0345 646 0406 or fill in our online enquiry form and a member of our Team will be in touch.