I am Not Married. Can I Remain Living in my Ex-Partner’s Home?

By Karen Pritchard

Principal Associate

If you have children, you may be able to make a claim on behalf of the children (but not yourself) for housing. This might include the right to stay in the family home or another property. You may also be able to obtain a lump sum to be used to meet your housing needs and for other reasons such as the purchase of a car or school fees. These claims can only be made for the benefit of a child, and not for yourself.

Technically if you are unmarried and do not have children, then you do not have a right of occupation in your partner’s home but we may be able to help negotiate a position that could see you remain living in the home for at least a short period whilst you make alternative arrangements.

If there was an agreement between you and your ex-partner that you would have an interest in the property then it may be that you are entitled to a payment in respect of the equity.

In all instances, it is important that legal advice is taken early on. Please contact our Family Team on 0345 646 0406 or fill in our online enquiry form and a member of our Team will be very happy to assist.