Why Do we Need a Job Description?

By Mia Gaitely

HR Consultant

Job descriptions are a great support for hiring new staff members. Before an interview, the candidate and the organisation can determine whether the role is a suitable fit and understand the requirements of the role.

What is in a Job Description?

Within the job description the main areas covered include:

Job Title: Short, simple and specific

Job Summary: An outline of the job is all that the job summary is. Add a few sentences describing the day-to-day duties, the role’s place in your organisation, the chances for progression, and the people this role will work with daily.

Duties and Responsibilities: By including this within a job description will allow candidates to understand what is required of them. This will ensure candidates understand how their skills match with their requirements and responsibilities.

Why do we need to mention the above within a job description?

  • Attracts candidates that better suit the skills / experience / competencies of the role.
  • Creates a good working environment / cultural fit

Apart from the essential components, an effective job description should encompass details on the following:

  • the firm or organisation that is offering the position.
  • the Organisations location (if relevant and not mentioned within the Job Summary).
  • Working hours
  • the salary or range of the role.
  • and any essential skills or qualifications needed for the role.

To summarise, having job descriptions designed around the role, incorporating skills/ qualification or training requirements ensures that the recruitment process is effective, with the organisation recruiting the right person with the right skills. By doing this, will save time in the longer run by getting the recruitment right ‘First time’.

If you are looking to implement a new Job Description template within your organisation and would like to discuss a format/ template, then please contact the Nockolds HR team at enquiries@nockoldshr.co.uk or telephone 03456460406.