For Employees

Your job can take up a huge amount of your life, and when you have issues at work it can cause an immense amount of stress. If you are unhappy at work and unsure of what your rights and obligations are, you need a solicitor who will give you advice you can trust.

Our Employment Team can provide you with advice to help achieve a solution to your problem as quickly and cost-effectively as possible. Where disputes can’t be resolved within the workplace, we can provide expert advice and assistance in dealing with employment claims through the Employment Tribunals and Civil Courts.

It is important to note that every case is different and should be treated that way. The best results are obtained by knowing all the exceptions to the rule and applying them in the best way to your circumstances. Our aim is to get the best possible result for you; sometimes a short ban for speeding is better than the risk of a six-month ban for totting up.

Guide to Costs

How We Can Help You

Our Employment Team can help you with a number of employment issues, including: