Official Translations of Business Documents

By Dalila Segador

Head of Official Translations

In today’s globalising world, it is quite usual that British companies open offices in Spain. When opening an office in Spain, the British company will need official translations into Spanish of its English commercial documentation.

Official translations are the translations of documents which need to serve as legally valid instruments. Only official translators are authorised to certify official translations.

If a British company wants to open an office in Spain, the official translations of the deed of incorporation, the memorandum and article of association will have to be submitted to the Spanish authorities such as the equivalent of Companies House in Spain. Spanish banks may also require these official translations when opening a company bank account.

When a Spanish property is purchased in the name of a British company, the aforesaid company documents and the official translations will be submitted to the Spanish authorities.

Assets in the name of a British company can be part of divorce proceedings in Spain. The official translation of the court order together with the official translations of the aforesaid company documents will be requested by the Spanish court.

A British charity can be the beneficiary of assets in Spain by virtue of an English Will. The Spanish notaries, land registrars and banks will need the official translation of the mentioned company documents and the death certificate, the Grant of Probate with the Will officially translated into Spanish.

A British company may also need to enforce a Spanish judgment in the UK or an English judgment in Spain. In both cases, the official translation of the judgment will be required by the relevant court.

On most occasions, the documents translated will bear an apostille which means that the document has been legalised.

In Spain, an official translation produced by an official translator does not need to bear the apostille.