Sworn Official Translators

By Dalila Segador

Head of Official Translations

The Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation has the authority to grant certification to Sworn Translator-Interpreters.

The title empowers them to perform sworn translations and/or interpretations in a language other than Spanish to Spanish and vice versa.

Sworn translators/interpreters can certify, through their signature and corresponding stamp that their actions are faithful and accurate, using the formula designed to that end by the ministerial department. Translations and interpretations from a foreign language to Spanish and vice versa made by sworn translators/interpreters are officially recognised.

A sworn official translation will bear the officially recognised sworn translator’s signature and stamp registered with the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, as well as a certification accrediting its accuracy so that the document is valid before public administrations and granting the document full legal validity before the courts, the relevant authority or any other recipient. 

Sworn Translators appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation act as Notaries with the authority to carry out sworn translations which will be recognised and accepted by any country. Sworn Translators have a good command of the languages into which they translate, as well as knowledge of the legal and administrative codes and legal systems of the two languages with which they work.

Only sworn translators can certify official translations.