Yasmin Ameer Calls for Compulsory Cycling Insurance

By Yasmin Ameer

Senior Associate

Yasmin Ameer, Senior Associate at Nockolds Solicitors, has backed calls for cyclists to require insurance.

Speaking in the House of Lords this week, Labour peer Professor Lord Winston renewed calls for cycling licences and insurance, after becoming concerned about cyclists riding dangerously in London.

According to the last available statistics from 2015, two pedestrians were killed by cyclists that year in Britain and 96 injured, but this was understood to be just the cases reported to police. Thousands more pedestrians are hurt or put at risk by poor cyclists.

Commenting on Lord Winston’s proposals, Yasmin Ameer, said:

‘While I support the government’s efforts to tackle congestion and pollution by encouraging people to swap their cars for bikes, we have now reached a stage where insurance is a must.

‘I have dealt with a number of accidents caused by careless cyclists who are uninsured and men of straw leaving the injured person uncompensated.

‘While many cyclists take out insurance through membership of their cycling organisations, compulsory insurance and increased regulation would protect cyclists and other road users’.