Return to Work Interviews – Why Conduct This Absence Meeting?

By Helen Burrowes

Senior HR Consultant

A return to work interview is part of the HR processes, consisting of a meeting between the employer and an employee returning to work after a period of sickness absence. The meeting is documented and recorded as part of the absence report on the employee file. 

What you need to do, to implement a return to work process will be covered later in this article.

Whilst it is not a legal requirement to conduct a return to work interview, and there is no legislation to deal with this process, ACAS report that the process will ‘give you a better understanding from the perspective of tackling the root cause of the absence’. 

So why conduct the meeting?

Having an absence management process in place can reduce the absence rates in your business. Recognising that an employees absence days are frequent or increasing is a cause for concern.

The meeting may uncover something about the employee that the manager was not aware of and that might impact them in their role. Being aware of this will enable the business to manage the situation and provide the necessary support to the employee. This could include referral to your private medical providers, or support through the company EAP (Employee Assistance Programme), a scheme that companies set up to provide their employees with health and wellbeing assistance. You could also have a Fit Note that recommends an adjustment to the employees role due to their medical condition, either temporary or permanent, which the company would need to implement. 

Understanding the medical condition is important in the ‘return to work’ process, especially in the case of mental health, as it could lead to a claim if you have not considered it as a disability.

The meeting might also uncover an issue that would instigate your disciplinary process, if absence continues at a higher than expected rate or if absence reporting has not being followed. The meeting allows for the opportunity to discuss expectations, frequency and trends. 

It is important to seek HR advice, for guidance on the process.

Benefits to holding ‘Return to Work’ interviews also include:

  • Lower absence levels
  • Day to day operations less impacted by absence
  • Reduced stress/workload on covering employees
  • Reduced sick pay/administration
  • Employees feel more able to communicate and be supported by their employer for ongoing absence concerns (e.g. disabilities).

What companies should do, to implement a Return to Work process?

  • Train your line managers to conduct Return to Work interviews following all absences, recognising which process to follow
    • Referral to Occupational Health/Doctors report – informal
    • Support via advisors: EAP
    • Formal disciplinary: misconduct
  • Return to Work Form to record the discussions for any future reference
  • Get external expert HR support where appropriate on absence management
  • Review absence policies to ensure they are up to date and relevant.

In Summary

There is a lot of value to your business in introducing and managing this process, both by helping you reduce absence, and helping your employees feel that their wellbeing is being considered and any impact that life throws at them can be considered in the workplace.

For more information and to find out how we can help your business and line managers manage your absence process, please contact us on 0345 646 0406 or fill in our online enquiry form and a member of our Team will be in touch.