Highway Code Changes – What You Need to Be Aware of: A Reminder

By Peter Dodd


The highway code is not a bad read. Most of us look at it only when we are wanting to take our test. It does provide useful guidance to the rules of the road and how we should act and how we should behave and what to watch out for. Do a search on the website on the highway code. The gov.uk website pops up.

The highway code covers the law as to driving and what our obligations are and also the various traffic signs that are on UK roads. It also has a section on road and driving safety. Making sure our vehicles are safe to drive, observing speed limits, not using a phone or drinking and driving are specified. Seat belts and using car seats are explained. Basically for keeping everyone safe. There are also sections on different vehicles and advising on vehicle recalls and faults. There is even a section on boat safety.

The point is that if you drive you have to drive safely to protect others. For the ‘guardians and protectors of the road’ (those who comment on road users by being aggressive to others) rule 147 may be worth a reminder ‘ Be considerate. Be careful of and considerate towards all types of road users especially those requiring extra care. Others may be inexperienced or not know the area well. Be patient and remember that anyone can make a mistake. Do not allow yourself to become agitated or involved if someone is behaving badly on the road. Calm down and make yourself feel relaxed.’ Or put another way we are all human and we all make mistakes so act accordingly.

Next up in our series of blogs, the new rules that we all need to be aware of and understand.

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