Creating a Workplace Free of Bullying and Harassment

By Helen Burrowes

Senior HR Consultant

With the recent bullying claims reported in the press, this raises questions as to whether employers have suitable policies in place to prevent bullying and harassment within the workplace. 

Employers are required to provide an ‘Anti harassment and bullying policy’, to communicate how they will create a safe working environment free from harassment and bullying.  This policy also incorporates the process for employees to raise their concerns and have these dealt with appropriately.  

 Where the employer is found not to have dealt with a claim of harassment or bullying appropriately, this can result in large tribunal claims costing the employer financially as well as a potential reputational damage. 

In addition, where the employer is seen to be accepting poor behaviour linked with bullying or harassment, this can also impact retention and engagement of employees, resulting in increased staff turnover and poor employee engagement and wellbeing.

What can HR departments do?

It is important that HR work with internal stakeholders to ensure that policies are in place.  Expected behaviours are communicated and applied into all procedures, including recognising unacceptable behaviours.  Line managers are trained to recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviours, and how to tackle them formally and within a timely manner. 

HR initiatives that employers can consider implementing into the workplace may include:

  • Implementing an Anti-bullying and harassment policy
  • Line managers are trained, to;
    • Understand the company culture e.g. behaviours, values
    • Communicate and display the acceptable behaviours
    • Recognise bullying and harassment
    • Understand how to conduct a disciplinary hearing following an allegation of bullying or harassment
  • Creating an employee survey, and measuring the results
  • Ensuring that bullying and harassment is fed back to the employer.  Feedback may be covered in other practices e.g. exit interview, summary of employee relation matters

In addition, companies are choosing to develop a DEI&B (Diversity, Equity/Equality, Inclusion, Belonging) strategy, to support creating a positive and inclusive culture DEI&B . 

To discuss an Anti-harassment and bullying policy, or other areas in this document, please contact our Nockolds HR Consultants on 0333 400792 or email