Employing an Apprentice – What Businesses Should Be Aware Of

By Helen Burrowes

Senior HR Consultant

Apprenticeships are in-work training programmes – work as you learn, and also earn. 

Depending on the industry and size of the company, there may be an opportunity to train on-site or via an approved training provider. 

It is essential that the company employing the apprentice provides a supportive approach including a safe environment.  Having the right processes in place including applying the appropriate employment legislation and pay is essential.

All employees are entitled to receive an employment contract outlining the terms of their employment with the company , this includes apprentices.  The contract would include the terms of the employment, outline the training provided e.g. day release to attend college.

Training Providers

There are a number of training providers, incorporating government funded programmes, specialising in specific industries e.g. financial, construction, hospitality.

Understanding the training programme, including the course detail, time off work to attend training, and the duration of the course, will guide the company on a suitable employment agreement.


Providing support and guidance is essential to learning.  An apprentice will be assigned a supervisor who has the experience and skills to guide and give day to day support.  It is vital that the supervisor displays the conduct and behaviours expected by the company. 

All employees have protection against bullying and harassment in the workplace.  The supervisor has a key role in ensuring that the apprentice is protected against any form of harassment. 

Ensuring a safe working environment in line with Health Safety at Work also applies.  Training is essential, and a training record is recommended with scheduled refresher training incorporated.

Recruitment and Selection

When the company is ready to recruit, the next steps are to find a suitable candidate.

Sourcing a candidate can done via channels, including:

  • Connecting with local colleges / schools
  • Having an open day at the company premises
  • Using recruitment agencies

It is vital that the company communicates the apprenticeship programme effectively as part of the interview, explaining the role and expectations.  An offer of employment is followed up formally, and the employment contract issued. 

An important start to the employment relationship, and critical to the success of the apprentice’s employment, is the onboarding programme.  Supervision will be a key success factor, including effective communication and direction. 

Having an apprentice can be rewarding, watching them grow and develop their career. 

If you are looking to explore an apprenticeship programme and would like some advice and guidance on how to implement this, please reach out to our team of HR Consultants on  0345 646 0406 or fill in our online enquiry form and we will be in touch.