Government Firms Up Its Commitment To Leasehold Reform

By Lucy Riley

Legal Director

Speaking in the House of Lords, Baroness Scott commented that the government will:

‘abolish marriage value, cap the treatment of ground rents in the enfranchisement calculation and prescribe rates to be used, saving some leaseholders thousands of pounds. An online calculator will also be introduced to make it simpler for leaseholders to find out how much it will cost them to enfranchise.’

Baroness Scott also stated that the government ‘are going to bring forward further leasehold reform and it will be in this Parliament.’

Following a question on leaseholder protections for lease extensions granted in blocks of flats after 14 February 2022 which are not protected by the Building Safety Act 2022 Baroness Scott said that the government was looking to resolve the issue through legislation but advised leaseholders seeking to extend or vary a lease to get legal advice ‘and seek to come to agreements with landlords to apply the same protections as contractual terms’.

For advice on all aspects of residential leases and building safety please contact Lucy Riley on 0345 646 0406 or fill in our online enquiry form and a member of our Team will be in touch.