Highway Code Changes – What You Need to Be Aware of: Preamble

By Peter Dodd


Unless you have been at a work event lasting a couple of weeks tasting wine and cheese you will have seen the press becoming very excited about the changes to the Highway Code that come into force this week. There are warnings as to big fines and potential points. Reports also state that most of the public are unaware of the Highway Code or the new changes coming into force. I thought it would help allay fears if I produced a number of bite size tips so that we are all aware of the major changes.

Most of it is common sense and designed to make us better drivers. It is never a bad thing to remind yourself of the Code itself. What I think we have all seen is that the world has become a very worrying place whilst we have learned to live with a nasty virus. Stress and worried people make bad drivers. Some drivers have always behaved differently as we exist in a protective ‘bubble’ when we drive. We have also become much more isolated as we have had to live in our own social ‘bubbles’ with those of us who have complied with the government’s various mandates over the various lockdowns. This has undoubtedly changed our behaviour all round.

The majority of road users are safe, responsible and polite to others. However what appears more common is us observing bad drivers being abusive to others when that other person has done something wrong in their eyes. This can range to swearing at other drivers and/or gesticulating wildly. Or some drivers take further steps and get out and commit road rage by trying to smash their way into another person’s car after they have been ‘wronged’. It is clear that the offending individual is the best driver to have ever to have passed their test? That individual also appears to have a full time role which is to be the guardian or the ‘Judge Dredd’ of the roads in the conspicuous absence of our local police forces. It’s a really worrying development.

So take a minute to sit down, breath deeply and I’ll begin…..

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