How Do I Make a Claim for Unpaid Wages?

By Gary Smith


Many employees/workers may be unaware that they can make a claim for unpaid wages whilst still employed. You do not have to wait until you quit your job or bring another claim against your employer.

Employers often make mistakes regarding an employee’s wages, such as failing to pay the correct minimum wage, notice pay, payment in lieu of notice, redundancy pay or holiday pay.

Your employer cannot legally deduct any money from your wages unless you have specifically given written consent, there is a relevant clause contained in your employment contract (including repayment of loans or training courses) or the deduction is authorised by statute (such as tax and national insurance).

You can bring a claim for unlawful deduction of wages at the Employment Tribunal. You must bring your claim within three months of the last time your employer made an unauthorised deduction from your pay or did not pay you at all when they should have. Where there is a series of deductions, the time limit begins with the last deduction in the series.

If you are seeking payment from your employer for any monies owed to you, our Employment Team can assist you and represent you at a tribunal if necessary.

For more information, please contact us on 0345 646 0406 or fill in our online enquiry form and a member of our Team will be in touch.