1st March Marks National Employee Appreciation Day

By Mia Gaitely

HR Consultant

Today is National Employee Appreciation Day!

Embracing appreciation into all facets of your business is a cultural commitment that gives managers the ability to constantly show their gratitude to staff members and inform them that their efforts are appreciated. Appreciation impacts employee retention, and perceptions of job security at work.

There are many ways in which you can show appreciation to your employees within the workplace, below are a few:

Create a company-wide recognition program where people can nominate each other for rewards

Encouraging employees to voice their opinions and suggest who should receive awards helps to foster a sense of teamwork and involvement among all members of the company. As a result, there will be greater team cohesion at work and opportunity for interpersonal relationships. Something as basic as Employee of the Month could serve as an example of the award.


Flexibility in your workplace can often go a long way for employees, allowing them to have some freedom.

Sponsor a team ‘outing’ or activity with the element of fun

Perhaps a lunch out with your team is the appreciation they need, as a way of saying thank you for all their hard work that they have put in.

Offer a surprise day/ half a day off

This doesn’t have to be a full day off even half a day on a Friday can go a long way for employees, allowing them to recoup and tend to their personal lives.

Social media ‘shoutouts

The week before Employee Appreciation Day is a good time to do social media shoutouts, when you highlight staff members who have been exceptionally hardworking. Employees benefit from having their hard work acknowledged, which then benefits the Company also. This could become a part of your Company culture on a monthly basis where an employee gets mentioned for a achievement etc.

To find out more on how to show your appreciate towards your employees, then please contact the Nockolds HR consultant on 0345 646 0406 or email enquiries@nockoldshr.co.uk