Employee Background Screening

As an employer you have a legal duty to ensure that your employees have a right to work in the UK before you employ them, and to carry out document checks on people. Failure to comply with this legislation will leave you liable for paying heavy fines.

If these document checks are carried out effectively you will have a ‘statutory excuse’ against payment of a fine if you can demonstrate the following:

  • Correct checks on acceptable documents were carried out before a person starts working
  • If a person has a time limit on their right to work, by repeating document checks at least once every 12 months
  • That a potential employee who has a restriction on the type of work they can do and, or, the amount of hours they can work is not employed in breach of these work conditions

You will not have an excuse if you knowingly employ an illegal migrant worker, regardless of any document checks you carry out before or during a person’s employment.

Our Service

Through our Right to Work check we will carry out documents checks on your behalf and help you to avoid paying substantial fines. Our service provides:

  • An easy to use submission process with results returned to you
  • A comprehensive PDF report which details the checks undertaken and presents a copy of all document images providing you with a time and date stamped audit trail of the right to work check.

For further details on this service, click here for Employment Screening.