Skills Analysis

What is Skills Analysis?

A Skills Analysis is a process of identifying the skills required in the business. It supports business growth and development.

The skills ‘gap’ analysis is a method of identifying the differences between the current skills and the skills required for the future. 

The analysis enables the business to map out the skills requirement, and helps to inform other processes including:

  • Resource planning, for alignment of people in the right roles
  • Learning and development, with training allocated to the skills requirements of the business
  • Rewards and recognition, where people are rewarded on their contribution against key skills, and promotions also aligned to the key skills
  • Performance, to ensure that employees are productive in the role and during their employment

Why is it important for businesses to apply this process?

It is an important programme for businesses to have as it will ensure employee productivity where everyone is aligned and moving in the same direction.  Employees will feel more engaged and productive, and the business will be in a position to grow and develop.

What does the Skills Analysis include?

The first step is to understand the skills required in the business, including the current skills and future skills.  Then, the next steps include a collaboration of the skills across each department and then drilling down into each employees individual skills. 

This is a comprehensive process requiring time and engagement across the business.  

Why outsourcing this process can support the business?

Nockolds HR is an independent, outsourced HR provider. All our consultants are CIPD qualified with many years of experience of in-house HR and consultancy, and operating at senior levels.  We are experienced in planning and implementing the skill analysis programme.  We can also provide an objective and impartial view.  As experts in this area, we can provide our advice and recommendations, either working alongside your current HR team or with your management team. 

How Nockolds HR Skills Analysis services are provided

At Nockolds HR we work flexibly with your business to provide our skills analysis services, which we can offer your business via:

  • Fully managed skills analysis – working within your business
  • Skills analysis briefing workshops - for management teams and / or internal HR teams
  • Expert advice – on demand expert advice for senior leadership or internal HR contacts wanting to explore your businesses current and desired skills