Will Subscription Package

The original version of your Will is the only legally binding version. Scans or photocopies are not valid as they don’t have your original signature on them, which is why it is so important that your original Will is stored in a safe place.

Nockolds has a secure-on-site facility for our clients to store their Will. We will ensure that it is kept safe and accessible for you to review or update at any time. This will also give you peace of mind that your executors are able to find it when the time is right.

By subscribing to the Will Subscription Package, not only will we protect your Will for the foreseeable, but we offer our members a range of additional benefits that we hope you will find useful.

Subscription Benefits

  • Safe storage of your original Will in our secure, easily accessible facility along with copies to keep at home.
  • Annual consultation* to review your Will, provide an Inheritance Tax update and a review of how to make the most of your assets.
  • Access to the Nockolds Digital Vault.
  • Introductory meeting with a financial consultant from our sister company Nockolds Wealth.
  • Membership to the Certainty National Will Register including a personalised membership certificate and downloadable certificates, ensuring that your Will can easily be found.
  • Discounts on the costs of the preparation of Lasting Power of Attorney.

*only where your Wills have been drafted at Nockolds

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