The World Health Organisation Recommends Yoga at Work to Improve Mental Health

By Rachel Davis

Principal Associate

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has recommended that yoga be introduced in every workplace to help protect and improve mental health.

WHO has also recommended that all managers undergo mental health training to spot employees who are struggling, prevent stressful and pressurised working conditions and support staff in distress. 

Other recommendations include providing opportunities at work for ‘leisure-based physical activity’ such as resistance training, strength training, walking and yoga.  If it is not possible to offer such opportunities in the workplace setting, companies are encouraged to consider providing external opportunities for workers to complete activities, such as offering discounted gym memberships.

One in seven adults suffers from a mental health disorder and around 12 billion working days are lost each year as a result of mental health illnesses such as depression and anxiety. The mental health toll of the Covid pandemic was estimated to increase depression rates by up to 25% and this has only been exacerbated by the current economic uncertainty and cost-of-living crisis.

Workplace opportunities focussed on people’s wellbeing, such as yoga, lunchtime walking clubs, massages, mindfulness sessions and stress management courses not only support an individual’s health and wellbeing and show employees that they are supported and cared for at work but, as a consequence, improve employee engagement, performance and productivity.     

As people spend such a large part of their lives at work, a safe and healthy working environment is critical.

These new guidelines aim to prevent negative work situations and cultures and offer much-needed mental health protection and support for workers.

If you need advice and assistance on how to support the mental health of your workers, please contact our Employment Team on 0345 646 0406 or fill in our online enquiry form to discuss your options.