What will Happen to my Pets on my Death?

By Katie Bond


It was reported by the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) in 2023 that 53% of adults own a pet in the UK. Pets play a big part in people’s lives, and it can be a worry to think of what might happen to our pets when we die.

Many people do not realise that you can include a gift of your pets (current and future) within your Will. If this is something which you would like to do, please make sure that you discuss this with your Solicitor so that your wishes can be included.

We would always advise that you also speak to the person who you are intending to leave your pets to, to ensure that they are happy with this arrangement.

If you do not have anyone who you be able to take in your pets after your death, you can always complete an application during your lifetime for your pets to be rehomed with an animal charity after your death. The charity will look after and rehome your pets in the event of your death. Some of charities who offer this service are listed below:

  • The Dogs Trust – Canine Care Card
  • Battersea Dogs & Cats Home – Forever Loved service
  • Blue Cross Peter – Peace of Mind Service
  • RSPCA – Home for Life Scheme

Please get in touch with our Probate Team today, if you would like to update your will on 0345 646 0406 or fill in our online enquiry form and a member of our Team will be in touch.