Working Around Coronavirus: Mediation and Arbitration



These are difficult times for everyone – particularly those who are in the middle of trying to resolve financial or child arrangements following separation.

We are receiving daily updates from the courts about delayed hearings, and have also heard from clients where there virus has been cited as a reason to stop children seeing their parents.

The courts, already struggling under the existing caseload, will need to adapt quickly to new ways of working. In the meantime, out of court, solutions to resolving family issues can offer ways to make progress without needing to wait for the outcome of the current pandemic.

At Nockolds, we have already set up facilities to provide mediation via VideoLink, enabling mediation to take place without the need for physical meetings. Where clients do not have access to VideoLink/Skype, we also have experience in telephone mediation.

Where a third party binding decision is needed, we have an in-house arbitrator, Zen Thompson, who can provide binding decisions without the need for attendance at court, and again can provide remote meetings to avoid the need for face-to-face contact. This could also be helpful where you are looking for a decision in an existing case as the court is encouraging other forms of resolution to avoid a court hearing.

If you feel this may be helpful in your situation, please do not hesitate to contact Zen Thompson at or call 01279 755777.

For more information on alternatives to court, please click here.